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  • Made from real, locally-harvested Aromatic Taro roots, each of our Lightly Salted Taro Crisps offers a unique fragrance that comes with light and crisp texture. The delicately sweet and nutty full-flavored tastes accentuate in every perfect thin crunch. With twice the fiber and 30% less fat than potato chips plus lots of vitamin E, these delectable nutritious crisps are indeed perfect energy-boosting healthful snacks for anywhere, anytime. 


    • Rich in fiber and nutrients: manganese, vitamin B6, Vitamin E, Potassium, Copper, Vitamin C, Phosphorus, and Magnesium 
    • Low on the glycemic index; better for blood sugar 
    • Excellent source of fiber and resistant starch - improved heart health, blood sugar levels, body weight and gut health.
    • Contains a variety of antioxidants and polyphenols that protect against free radical damage and potentially cancer.

    Lightly Salted Thin Taro Crisps (80g)

    • Taro / Salt / Rice Bran Oil

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    @2020 by Chew Green

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